An Lòchran Inverness Campus
Moveable planters and seating for traffic management
Inverness Campus
Located at Inverness Campus, An Lòchran is home to the Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE), an economic and community development enterprise and partners, including UHI and Scotland’s Rural College. The HIE chose WoodBlocX Moveable Planters to enhance the entrance of the building whilst deterring visitors from parking in pedestrian areas as part of traffic management measures.
A total of 12 moveable planters were designed following a consultation and site visit with the client. This is the second project WoodBlocX Landscaping has been specified for on this site, the campus’ life science centre, Solasta House uses modular retaining walls to line the pathways between the perimeter and building.

Moveable Planters
We designed eight square planters and two rectangular planters with generous seating. Our moveable planters are designed in the same way as our raised planters and street furniture using our unique modular timber system. However, each is pre-built by us and features strong, supportive bases which allow for the planters to be manoeuvred easily using a forklift or pump/pallet truck.
Our moveable planters make an attractive option to control traffic, to create parklets and temporary public realm installations.

Karen Thomson - Senior Development Manager, HIE
“We have been very pleased with the planters, I think they look great - and we have received positive comments from other Campus users and visitors. Just as important, they have proved to be very effective in deterring parking on the Caithness slab. This not only makes the Campus a safer place for all users but it also helps keep the high quality of the environment by avoiding cracked paving and unsightly oil spills.”

Free Design Service
We can create moveable planters of all shapes and sizes, whether it is a certain shape or size or a combination of planting and seating; our team of experienced designers will work with you to create the perfect moveable solution for your project.
No matter your size of project, we’re here to help. We can create full design proposals with detailed pricing within 72 hours.