Fire Treatment Option
We offer a fire treatment option for projects that require enhanced protection
A brand new option for extra protection
We are pleased to offer a new fire treatment option for projects that require enhanced protection.
Our modular street furniture and raised planter designs are being increasingly specified for roof and podium garden applications, therefore we have taken action to provide this additional treatment.
For many applications our timber structures can be used in their usual treated state. However, a growing number of projects now require enhanced protection against the potential spread of fire.
All WoodBlocX Landscaping customers now have the option for structures to be treated with a fully-tested fire retardant solution called HR Prof Industrial. The Euro Class B treatment provides maximum fire retarding capabilities for timber with the appropriate supporting certification.

Fire treatment options
WoodBlocX timber components will be pre-treated by our approved supplier ahead of delivery. The treatment process takes approximately three to four weeks longer than our standard delivery and the process thoroughly coats all timber to provide the best possible protection.
Our structures can be treated onsite using a treatment sourced directly by the client, this can be applied once the structures have been built. The drying time for this option is seven days.
For offsite treatments, official certification will be provided once the order is shipped, this includes details of the solution used, its classification in line with Building Standards*, the date of treatment and guidance on how to store the components for maximum effectiveness.
For timber treated onsite, it is the client’s responsibility to organise the details to receive certification. All of the details for this will be supplied with treatment.
*BS EN & BS EN 1925-2 SBI Euro class B-s1-d0 (Equivalent to UK Class O BS 476: Part 6 & BS 476: Part 7)
NT 053 & NT 054 Accelerated weathering of Fire-Retardant treated wood for fire testing.